
Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy £70

Full assessment, physiotherapy treatment and underwater treadmill session. Appointment lasts approx. 60 minutes*. A physiotherapy/hydrotherapy report will be emailed to you after the session, along with a home exercise/treatment plan for you to follow. Please ensure your pet is not fed for at least 2 hours prior to their hydrotherapy session and make sure they have been to the toilet beforehand if possible.

Physiotherapy £52

Full assessment and physiotherapy treatment. Appointment lasts approx. 45 minutes*. A physiotherapy report will be emailed to you after the session, along with a home exercise/treatment plan for you to follow.

Hydrotherapy £38

Underwater treadmill session lasting approx. 30 minutes in total with no physiotherapy. Please note that all dogs will be required to have a physiotherapy and hydrotherapy session in the first instance. This is to allow for a full assessment to take place and any areas of tension, discomfort, weakness and/or movement restriction to be addressed and treated. This also enables Gemma to provide an effective home exercise/treatment plan for your pet to assist in their recovery.

*Initial appointment may take slightly longer. No extra charge will be incurred at any point if any appointment takes more time.